"I lost me ... I lived through my own death"

In her own words, Jay Wood got a “bop on the head” in a motor vehicle accident. But this was really serious … and resulted in a major “invisible injury” … a catastrophic traumatic brain injury.

The symptoms are so unique and specific to Jay it often makes it difficult for her to acknowledge how her behaviours are perceived by others. Nonetheless, she honestly believes she didn’t lose her essence following the accident … as she says …”her heart didn’t get damaged”. She still believes LOVE is the most important thing in the world and tries to live her life this way.

The impact of the accident, which happened in her early twenties, robbed her of many youthful experiences and doing the things she wanted to do. So, re-learning the forgotten skills of her life … those lost in the brain injury … was important. Especially re-capturing the magic of her music that now inspires her ongoing passions. It took two years for Jay to re-learn to play the guitar and understanding the essence of her old songs … how the lyrics and music went together …was her greatest challenge.

Unable to fully capture this previous essence, has allowed her to re-create the ‘awe” of her music in a whole new way… by writing the songs again … now influenced by her new “life experience”.

Now following the path of reality she is on … Jay’s driving force is to try and show others who may feel stuck, that they can overcome anything.

Her music is a big part along this pathway for her life.

Check out Jay’s music at :- www.jaywoodmusic.com

or follow her on Insta @jaywoodmusicofficial and on Facebook @ jaywoodmusic.