" and my children have never been to school ... ever"

Laura has 4 children who have never been to school … that is … in the formal sense of learning. But this does not mean they haven’t experienced an education process that has prepared them for life and their future endeavours.

Initially through specific circumstances and then from a deliberate desire and a belief in her eyes to give her children the best opportunities to learn, Laura has chosen to home school them all. She in fact does not call it home schooling, but refers to them as a ‘home educating family”, with the ‘holy grail’ of achievement is her children being able to read.

Laura and the children have also managed a number of neuro diverse conditions that have added to the complexity of their journey.

Getting the most out of experiential learning situations and the ongoing quest to source unique, real life opportunities where this can occur, has been a huge part of the education process for all 4 children.

Now that the eldest of her children is preparing for adult life and future learning, Laura is clear in her belief they are prepared … even for university. She says … “it’s really easy getting into university … without going to school … that’s the truth”.